Flavours owned and originated by Tomboi Artisan Ice Cream LTD. Feb.2019 (seasonally available)
SP- Silver Plum - Sweet plums and Slivovitz.
CM - Cuban Magic : Cuban Coffee, Cuban Rum and Cocoa .
C - Chesters’ Rhubarb : Rhubarb, cloves and a strawberry splash.
I- Isla: strawberries, chamomile flowers, and chocolate chips.
LS - Lotsa Strawberry : Just lotsa Strawberries.
J-Rock: Dark chocolate 2 ways and fresh Spearmint
MT - Mac T – Earl grey tea, lavender flowers and Beth's local honey.
CC - Coco – a special triple chocolate recipe of dark Swiss chocolate, cacao, Netherlands Coco.
AW - Avocado/wasabi – Creamy avocado and a wasabi zing.
UP - Grahams Unicorn Poo – strawberry/or raspberry, rainbow marshmallows, and fairy sprinkles (naturally).
L3-Lemon 3 – Lemon Zest, Lemon juice, and Cardamom
TT- Tassie Tiger- Australian Liquorice, orange juice and zest.
GS - Ginger snapped : a Christmas favourite , snappy ginger, cinnamon and molasses.
CAM - A Christmas Cameo : dark cocoa, and sweet sour cherries.
BC - banana – chocolate swirls – just simply bananas, and dark chocolate swirls.
WL – Barbs White Lace – Not just Vanilla, Beth's Wild flower honey, Madagascar vanilla bean.
SA- Selena's Aurora, blueberries, Basil, Açai, a touch of local Maple Syrup.
WR-White Ribbon- white chocolate and Ice Wine.
JO-Jacki-O - Roasted Pumpkin, cinnamon, local maple syrup and All spice.
BB-Blues Berry - Ontario blues berry, Canadian Whisky and Ginger
CM-Canadian Maple Eh ? - Bacon (artificial), Maple syrup, a little salty and sweet aren't we eh ?
ST-Stella - Amaretto, Maraschino Cherries, white chocolate, and confetti fruit.
HL-Heart Light - Smoked Honey, Strawberries, Peaches
B-Booby-Prize - Cinnamon Sautéed Fresh Strawberries
SB- Space Balls - our own BubbleGum recipe, blueberries, strawberries, and banana (topped with Space Balls
freeze dried Skittles")
GR- Gypsy Rose- Cranberry poached pears, with Rosewater and Saffron.
SM-Saturns Moon- buttery popcorn and creamy potatoe
Z-Zyla-Flower power- Passion flower Chamomile and Mango
I-Imagine- Birthday Cake
SB- Saugie Berry, -Very Berry,,! And marshmallow fluff,
P2- Paisley Paddler - Sacred Salted Caramel
SJ-That Summer Jazz- Caramelized fresh orange and white chocolate, wild orange/tangerine essential oil
For those who prefer a lighter option we have berry and or tropical fruit froyo , blended in house. " a little of This n that".
Non-Dairy lovers: our beautiful Snow Cakes
CR- Cool Running - Coconut milk and toasted coconut. Tropical !!
PD- Paradise- sweet potatoe, papapya, ,lemon, w/soy milk
CAN-Candaley-St.Lucian Cocoa Tea, sweet potatoe, w/coconut milk black cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg
H-Haruka- a True Matcha Dive! Green Tea with Ginger
*EU-Eureka... 2021 * Soya/coconut milk, Copaiba, Hemp and Spirulina, Carob and Spearmint (Choc Mint)
sorbet- green apple, Rasperry or Key lime
NAS – No Added Sugar – current flavour Moose Trax or Maple Walnut.

Isla: Our first "Happy Place" draw prize winner, we created Isla together incorporating her favourite things, strawberry, Chamomile flowers and chocolate. As sweet as she is.
Silver Plum: our tribute to our Silver neighbours, a group of beautiful silver ladies that gather and giggle.
Cuban Magic: A trip to the largest Ice Cream parlour in the world, Where Fidel could eat 16 scoops a day ! Breakfast of champions, from Cuba to Paisley…..
Chesters’ Rhubarb : A Lovely gentleman pops into our Paisley shoppe with a bouquet of rhubarb from his uncles patch, which was left to him in his will. Thank you Uncle Chester !
Lotsa Strawberry : our Mayor's Favourite ! and he's a dairy farmer ! Best strawberry ice cream he has EVER had !
Mac T – Our eldest daughter McKenzie forwarded a package to us from Kelowna BC from her favourite lavender farm,,, please make my favourite Tea into ice cream,,,,, and le viola !
Coco – This flavour is made in the Spirit of Robbs long lost pet, her favourite past time was chasing kangaroos and lethal brown snakes ! such energy can only be captured in chocolate tripled !
Avocado/wasabi – Tammies favourite, perfect for those without a sweet tooth ! creamy green with a slight zing..
Unicorn Poo – A very special recipe created with our customer Graham, who won our “Happy place” contest in 2019. His grandmother came in for our tasting and said “ it’s the best unicorn poo she has ever had”
Lemon 3 – a very dear Irish friend Molly, was looking for a refreshing ice cream as she was suffering through an Australian summer. She said her favourite ice cream was called “ lemon tree”….we learned it was actually “lemon 3” !
Tassie Tiger- Australian spin on the traditional Tiger Tail, In our belief that the Thylacine lives on.
Ginger snapped - themed after our Gingerbread Christmas, a Paisley annual event.
A Christmas Cameo - named after our youngest daughter, very sweet and a little intense !
Banana chocolate – Robbs favourite, cause hes just a simple guy !
Barbs White Lace – one of our favourite customers, lovely as old lace, unique and just a wee bit wild !
J-Rock - local young customer was hospitalized in Sick kids, we helped, and he still Rocks !
Selena’s Aurora!- the winner of our 2020 “Happy Time draw” a story of challenges and discoveries during our Covid times.
White Ribbon- our Covid essential workers campaign. Partnering with Kendra Fisher of “Mentally Fit"
Summer Jazz- A Special Flavour created in support of the John Kyles parkette - our First Dreamcycle
Heartlight- Our First Smoked Flavour - as we help Save the Range Light in Southampton.
Space Balls - Some Sci-Fi freeze dried fun with a Dandy John Candy theme
Saturns Moon- Our Cool to be kind! Prize winner- Phoebes “most intriguing flavour”
Zyla- Isla- All grown up!
Imagine- A special Oakfest mental health fundraiser, think The Beatles Birthday cake.
Saugie Berry- Ice Cream Science 101- still searching for our Saugeen River Spirit! best flavour creation, Well done Landan
Paisley Paddler - in Supporting our local Paddlers Club
Booby Prize - Walkerton hospital mammogram fundraiser.
Gypsy Rose- An intricate flavour created with mom in mind.
Snow Cakes: beautifully hand moulded non dairy delicates
Paradise- PNG,the land of the unexpected
Candelay- A comfort tea
Haruka- Japanese sweatheart
Cool Runnings- D-Free, a tribute to our Dairy God mother who shared her Coconut Dream ! Plus Jamaican bob sledding is very cool.
Eureka ! - our first d-free option Super Foods, Copaiba, (as close to CBD as allowed), Spirulina, Hemp seed/oil. Carob and spearmint. Now you're in your "happy space"